Sunday, November 16, 2008

What the hey?

I have been, well, absent as of late. I have lots of news to impart but have been feeling icky for sometime and find it hard to post. I will repost the comment left by Msgr. Shulte next time as well. This is the "busy season" with my company and despite the economy, God has blessed us with an abundance of orders. It is true that God does not work within the bounds of the current economic situation. Thankfully, His providence exceeds our man-made messes. For now, I feel yucky, have news to share and have been "praying as if everything depended on God and working as if everything depended on me". My house smells of sausage, this is not helping matters.


Sew said...

What is the news you need to share? I am really trying hard not to read in between the lines. :)

Anonymous said...

feeling yucky, sausage smells yucky, hmmmm, could it be....?

Beth said...

What? I think I know what you are going to say!!! I know I couldn't stand certain smells until a few weeks ago....

Karey said...

Glad to hear things are going well at work, but hope you stop feeling icky very soon! And I hope you feel good enough soon to post your news you are keeping us in suspense for!