Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My day(results, sort of)

I got the results of my hcg this morning and it was zero. While that was good news, the symptoms I continue to have warranted a visit to the doctor...er...nurse practitioner(not a fan). I went in, we discussed symptoms and options, she scheduled more blood work and ordered an ultrasound. Don't know if I am dealing with a fibroid, a cyst or other. I will keep you posted. Nothing conclusive but there is pain so that can't be a good sign. After being stuck a few times(deep veins) I got the photo above as a reward for not crying and staying still while they drew blood. Kinda sums up my day and now that it's done, it's borderline humorous. Not giving up baby hope, I prayed, hope is alive and well and I'm going to continue to get healthy and lose weight. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I should raffle off my band aid ;)


Anonymous said...

UGH!! i hate those commericals, they are so misleading, as if THE ONLY cause of cervical cancer is HPV.

Cathy said...


I'd have said, "Yeaaaah, you know what? It'll stop bleeding soon. You think I'm walking out of here advertising Gardasil? Get bent."

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I think the bandaid is a PERFECT representaion of the "fix" promised by the Gardasil people. Heehee, "just give em a shot...put a bandaid on the problem"!!!!!

Lynne said...

That's disgusting! It didn't dawn on me at first that was a bandaid.

Un-frickin' believable...