I was able to go to Mass today and it was uplifting and so needed. I have been carrying so much sorrow and pain and I needed to feel I still had "the Church" to be there for me. I told Jesus how sad I was and how hard it is to just move on. The way the light hit through the windows in the Cathedral took my breath away for an instant and I knew right then that I have been given a gift. No matter how crappy life gets, how much loss and pain I muddle through, I have something worth more than all that I lost and gave up. I have the one, true Church that Christ gave to us for always. I'm not going to see that everyday. Some days are dark and it may be hard to see around the clouds. In the end, many search for the truth all their life and never find it. It took a pretty sunbeam on a grey wall for me to realize this. After a very rough morning(full of beating myself up for not being perfect), I was fortunate God showed me something so simple and magnificent. It might be a good thing I put this in words for those days when I need it.
The workload this week has been insane. I will need to somehow develop super-human powers to get through it all. Oddly enough, the response to Halloween this year has been overwhelming. Christmas is selling early. Go figure. With Mr. Thorn being out of work for over two weeks, we need the money badly. It will be insane all the way through the first week of December and then it just stops. So I will be knee deep in orders all week. I have more orders that are pending so again, I need a bionic foot and hands to get these orders cranked out.
Mr. Thorn and I got a night out last night. We went to a local Eye-tal-eon restaurant and had a nice dinner. The rest of the night was spent working and doing domestic things(i.e. shopping at Wal-Mart). So much for romance. It was nice to talk and slow down from our rushed daily life.
The TLM at the Cathedral Basilica is moving to St. Bernard's at the end of this month. There may be another TLM, nothing definite right now. It's nice to know there are people in the diocese to support the TLM.
God bless you, I'm glad some nice things happened lately, even though you're still suffering hardship.
Our priest reminded us the other week that when we are bearing our crosses we are not expected to go it alone. Bring the cross to Jesus (especially at Mass) and He will help us.
Sometimes the best meditation I have is to be able to sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament and simply hold the cross in my hand and just gaze at the Eucharist and just "be" with God.
I'm glad to hear about this experience you had at mass! God gives us gifts constantly; it's just so hard to see them sometimes during the busyness of everyday life. Maybe that's one reason why he sends suffering sometimes, so we don't forget about him and the fact that he is always with us everywhere in everything. And I totally agree with you about how grateful you feel to be Catholic, me too!:) When I was having a bad day last week I went to Mass one evening, and I walked in and instantly knew God was there, and that everything was going to be ok. I feel so sorry for anyone who does not ever get to experience the real presence of Christ on earth! They must not know what they are missing! Take care:)
It is really amazing how Mass can give us that comfort we are seeking, for me it just gives me the Grace to keep going on, even on days I don't feel like getting out of bed. I'm so glad you have found some peace as well. Blessings to you!
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