I called the doctor this am and he will get back to me later in the morning. They may want to come in to try to get the heartbeat or get a scan. Unfortunately, I have to work today and cannot rest much. With my husband on unpaid leave for the surgery(and now another), we have to keep money coming in. I'm going to take plenty of breaks but I cannot take anymore time off. Thankfully, I am my own boss so I can threaten to quit if the boss gets demanding. I have a huge wholesale order to get out this week and then I have to get a ton of holiday things in so that we have a good Christmas season for the business. Thanks to everyone for the prayers. I truly know they are helping. I ask St. Gerard all day to help with his intercession. I know there is strength in that, too.
We finally have a Sonic opening here in Kentucky. Today is the grand opening and I have been craving a cherry limeade. I suppose it is keeping my mind off of worry.
what type of job do you have? Is it home based?
Praying that your day goes good and you can take it as easy as possible.
sonic?!! yipeee!! i've missed that place...where is it? i'll have to drive my daughter down, she thinks eating in the car is the coolest thing ever.
Its off the Mt. Zion exit, right past Florence. I wonder if I should wait until dinner or scurry up for lunch. I really only want a drink...haha.
Tracy, I am a children's clothing designer/manufacturer. It is our busy season so I won't really get a break until the 2 weeks before Christmas. It allows me to stay home with my kids so I can't complain.
Thorn, I hope God and His grace are helping you and your family out at all times and at this time most especially.
Also, I had a conversation with Fr. Fitzgerald on Sunday and he stated that the 100 people thing is not true (he told me he asked the Bishop himself) and very soon the TLM will be moved from the Cathedral to most likely St. Bernard, Dayton Kentucky.
I was fortunate with my spotting that my Dr. did an ultrasound on my very first visit. I was able to get pictures and see the heartbeat. I was so happy! I pray everything goes well with you and yours.
God Bless!
No need to post this one, but if there is any way I can help you. I do sew...can I do anything? Email me at thorns.lily@gmail.com If it is worthwhile with the shipping (I'm in NY) I'd be glad to do what I can. Just ask, please. I've had a lot of training, just haven't used it much the last few years. I made some things recently and was told by a professional that I sew very well...can I help you somehow? I'm good at following instructions. Just let me know if it is feasible, reasonable or anyting and I'd be glad to assist in anyway I can. God bless you.
Alexander, good to hear about Fr. Fitzgerald. I'm glad this is being clarified and we are closer to joining a parish now that we know where we belong.
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