For those wondering, the "real sister" is on the right. This was a story in our local diocesan paper and is disturbing that nuns who practice Reiki and centering prayer as well as some other earth worship deserve a featured spot in our local Catholic paper. It is just creepy that sisters who practice new age magic masked as Catholicism can make fun of those who hold true to the faith and continue to wear the habit in humility. I realize a lay person is the one in the habit in the picture but someone decided it would be a fun thing to print. It is an abomination that this can and does go on with no accountability. Who are these nuns accountable to? It's not the diocese. Yet they are utilized in many of our schools and such. And then they can be honored as upstanding Catholics in our community? It truly makes me shudder. Here is the link to the website that has more on their "retreats" and social justice beliefs. Congregation of Divine Providence.
If you look at the HOLY FAMILY HOME, it is there the older retired sisters and many of them still wear the habit. I have to wonder if they are saddened by what has become of their order? It has to be a great suffering if they are. It is no wonder the orthodox and traditional orders have so many young women. Before I met my husband, I looked into many orders and became so disenchanted with the local convents. Very new age and except for 2 or 3, all have abandoned traditional habits.
I wouldn't go that far. I really believe there are some horribly misguided women. I pray for them that they may one day be led back to the true faith. Lord help us!
What do you know of the Sisters of Saint Joseph the Worker in Walton? From what I know, they seem to be a pretty conservative order, though not traditional.
They are excellent. The Passionists in Erlanger are also very good.
I was half-joking.
Hard to wear a wedding dress when you are sleeping with the best man.
If you see what I mean.
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