Vatican Approves Hula Masses
Just when you think you have heard it all, here comes another genre of Mass that was needed. Hula Mass. Well, see, ya know, here's the rub. It depends on how you define "dance". Right. Here's someone who has my attitude:
***"Participation through gestures and posture should be strongly encouraged in Masses with children with due regard for age and local custom."***
What's next? A mosh pit at mass for stoners? Macarena mass for the Latin Americans? Clogging masses for mountain folk?
This was approved in 1999 while I was busy nursing babies and I just missed this newfangled way of worship. Forget the mantilla, throw me a grass skirt and and a coconut and lets do this.
Okay, back to work, this is too much for my wee traditional brain.
A good Adoremus article, from '00.
Down about 3/4 of the way...
That is a wild and scarry account of what went down. Ty for sharing.
"What's next? A mosh pit at mass for stoners? Macarena mass for the Latin Americans? Clogging masses for mountain folk?"
that or the introduction of the liturgical slam dance.
This would appear to be related to the confusion over "active" participation and "actual" participation in the Mass.
Athanasius has a very good post about this right here.
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