Saturday, January 24, 2009

He has a what????

I know this is old news to some but it is a glimpse into Obama's pocket and his "good luck charms". Included is a monkey god but if you look closely there is a miraculous medal. Hmmm. If you look super close the Blessed Mother is looking at the monkey god charm in complete disbelief. (Click on it to enlarge) This ran in TIME last summer from the mag Paris Match. Do we have hope? Is that our hope? A miracle. A conversion? It seems so distant and unseemly with what we have before us. Thank God(literally) for the news today of the papal decree. This has been a banner bad week for real Catholics, otherwise. Anyway, I had to share, we need to pray for a miracle because that is what it will take(no doubt). Maybe he will lose the monkey god and gamblers chip.


Kathy said...

I hope that Catholics didn't vote for him b/c he had a miraculous medal in his pocket. Notice how it's placed in a very prominent position--even right side up. I bet this was a gimick and it sure seems like it worked.

I'll only pray that he's still carrying it around and the Blessed Mother will be after her wayward son until he comes back to the fold.

Anonymous said...

freakin' a... you must be able to hear him coming down the hall from a mile away

Dymphna said...

I remeber some bloggers getting excited about the Miraculous Medal. It's just politics. Hilary wore a Marian bracelet during the campaign.