Monday, June 16, 2008

Creepy because it is real

Catholics for Obama

This man has no qualifications to run a country let alone a McDonald's restaurant.


gemoftheocean said...

or a popsickle stand

a thorn in the pew said...

or a race to the men's room.

Anonymous said...

as i've said before it would be like voting for Damon Lynch for president.

Tracy said...

This is just depressing!

Larry Denninger said...

or a Girl Scout troop

gramps said...

What is truly sad is pro life people who plan to sit out this year or throw their vote away voting for someone with no chance to win. They are giving their vote by this to Obama and in the end, more babies will die as a result and the court will no doubt go more liberal for decades. The price of people's hissy fit over McCain over some past action or some belief he is not pro life enough will give us Obama and they might as well just pull the lever for him because that will be the result just like Perot gave us Clinton.

a thorn in the pew said...

I won't be sitting out. Encourage people to vote against a socialist. That is the best we can do. He will take away every freedowm we have and replace it with another "program". No track record, no real experience. He scares the snot out of me.