Friday, April 4, 2008

Prayers for this little one

The little miracle dog that was found in the Fall after missing for eight days needs more prayers. She belongs to my parents and she had a most violent event yesterday. While walking with my mother in the neighborhood, she was attacked by another dog on a leash(walked by the owner) that was a German Shepard/Lab mix. It was a horribly vicious attack and had my mother not yanked her away from the grip of this monster, she would have surely died. The owner did little to stop the attack and the whole thing was beyond horrible. She was in surgery yesterday and is recovering at home. She had a rough night. She is so special to our family and we are so upset that this could happen. What if it had been a child? My son, upon hearing a brief, un-detailed account, replied "I think it was a demon". I told him that I did too. If you think of it today, keep my parents and their special little dog in your prayers. Saint Francis, pray for us.


Good St. Francis, you loved all of God's creatures.
To you they were your brothers and sisters.
Help us to follow your example
of treating every living thing with kindness.
St. Francis, Patron Saint of animals,
watch over my pet
and keep my companion safe and healthy.


Kit said...

That's terrible! The poor little thing! I hope the other owners are taking responsibility, and yes, praise God it was not your mother who was hurt.

My 10 year old (the Aspie) was attacked by a neighbor's "friendly" 8 yr old female pitbull who'd
"never hurt a flea" when she was in Kindergarten and playing over at a friend's house... she still has a few visible chomp holes in her cheeks and nose - but she looked like she'd been dragged backward through my rose bushes. It was terrifying.

Dymphna said...

Oh no. Poor little thing.

Tracy said...

OH MY!! That is AWFUL!!!
Prayers being said... keep us updated!!