Friday, April 25, 2008


"Hoboken? I'm dyin', I'm dyin'!"

This Bugs cartoon reminded me(why, I dunno) of how I feel about granola crunchers presently. An no, I'm not just talking about healthy eaters. Let's get DRILLING. Rationing rice? $3.59 for gas??? My store was completely out of all hamburger and hot dog buns a week ago. This is no longer funny. I can't fill my tank or feed my kids. The whales and baby seals will have to wait(as much as I heart them). We need to drill and set up funding for more refineries before we have to start eating dirt cakes. I half jest but it's getting bad where we live. Drill, build help us. We're dyin' here!!!


Kit said...

I'm with you, Thorn - just paid $3.71/gal. here, yet when I was in NYC yesterday, it was $3.45 All greed. No Chicago road trip for us this summer, either.

I've done an awards ceremony, so stop on by to collect anything you want - FREE!

Barb said...

I'm trying to figure out why your store was out of's not like it was a holiday weekend.
I have been reading about food shortages in other parts of the world..a bit scary at times.
The farmers are going to want to grow more corn to be used for ethanol, so the price of everything else is going to go up. A nice, cheery thought, isn't it?

a thorn in the pew said...

Come to think of it, they were out of beef too. I mean ALL beef(ground, steaks, roasts). I asked why and she said the tracks aren't coming in on schedule anymore. They had bread, just no buns at all.

gemoftheocean said...

Agree. A few people need to line the envirowhackjobs up against the wall and .. well, you know what ....

The anger is that you could see this man made artificial shortage BS coming way back. I think we ought to use Teddy Kennedy as a drill bit.

gemoftheocean said...

And $3,59? Try $3.89 here. When the **** did this become Yurrup?

FloridaWife said...

I saw that cartoon (again) recently on the March of the Penguins DVD.

I'm with you on the drilling. BUT everytime we want to drill, the ardent environmentalists file a lawsuit and they've got politicians that will block it. I want to be energy independent. It can be done cleanly. I'm all for drilling in Anwar -- it's remote and the cariboo love the warmth! Let's drill in the Gulf -- the Chinese are going to do it through Cuba soon, right off our coast over here. And let's tap into that reserve recently found underneath South Dakota. We have enough oil to keep us running for over a 1000 years. No sense in sending the money overseas to people that want to kill us. Let's keep the money here where it is not de-valued.

And while I'm on the topic of energy, we need more nuclear power plants. My husband remembers when they started building one on Long Island and after millions of dollars, the entire project got stopped by environmentalists. We can totally support our own energy needs.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

4. 03 where I am