Vatican Defends Right to Convert
I found the section on ecumenical implications to be of interest.
With non-Catholic Christians, Catholics must enter into a respectful dialogue of charity and truth, a dialogue which is not only an exchange of ideals, but also of gifts, in order that the fullness of the means of salvation can be offered to one’s partners in dialogue. In this way, they are led to an ever deeper conversion to Christ.
I can't help but think of a recent situation I found on Wellsprings of Traditional Life:
Challenges of Faith: Attacks
I have run into non-Catholic Christians who are just crazed with the talking points they have been fed by their pastor and you cannot have a dialog or reason with them. This is not always the case but it seems they must offer a course in "How to Hack off a Catholic" in bible college. Until we have proper Catholic portrayal in the media(including movies and tv), the stereotypical and WRONG image of what Catholics believe and why will continue to churn in society. One of the worst examples I saw of this on both accounts was in the movie "Saturday Night Fever" and also the funny but dead wrong show "Everybody Loves Raymond". Poor Catholic example is put out there, that is what uneducated people walk away with in their head and it sticks.
Sorry about the "tangent" but I think this problem is so widespread that even Catholics who are trying to live the church life have an identity crisis thanks to poor example. End story, we need another Archbishop Fulton Sheen for our day....
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