Friday, November 30, 2007

Something is up...

I went to Mass at the Cathedral today and something my mom and I observed has me thinking. Father had to move the daily Mass to the main body of the Cathedral because so many people are coming that they had to put out chairs in the chapel. Hmmm. For anyone local, the daily Mass there has always been simple but always "abuse-free" and while that may not be important to some, I know that I and others I have talked to agree that it helps to focus on the sacrifice of the Mass.

There is always a mix there of different types of people but I think that is what I have always loved about the Cathedral. Could it be there is a subtle return to the solemnity and beauty of the liturgy in the Covington diocese? Can you sense the hopefulness in my tone?

I was so glad to get out today, away from my pile of orders and work. It is dangerous for me to be home alone until I have a diagnosis because I start Googling and researching and well, it's depressing. Yesterday I did lift the whole ball of wax up to God, as I alone can't do anything about this mess. I want to stay hopeful. A little Christmas shopping at Tuesday Morning helped better my mood a bit too.


Anonymous said...

that's great...the cathedral is so lovely unlike the one on this side of the river.
i was at St. Bernard for the TM a couple of weeks ago and it was so're so blessed.

Anonymous said...

God bless you..

Tracy said...

God Bless you Mrs. Thorn!!