Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

I found this link that I thought might interest some.
A Saint on Skis
This is a wonderful role model to young people.

Blessed Pier Giorgio on Charity

"Every one of you knows that the foundation of our religion is charity. Without it all our religion would crumble, because we would not truly be Catholics as long as we did not carry out or rather shape our whole lives by the two commandments in which the essence of the Catholic Faith lies: to love God with all our strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. And here is the explicit proof that the Catholic Faith is based on real love and not, as so many would like, in order to quiet their consciences, to base the religion of Christ on violence.

With violence hatred is sown and then its evil fruits are gathered. With charity Peace is sown among men, but not the peace of the world, True Peace, which only faith in Jesus Christ can give, binding us together in brotherly love.

(Excerpt from Pier Giorgio’s notes for a speech made to the students of FUCI: “Federation of Italian Catholic University Students.")

"O merciful God, Who through the perils of the world deigned to preserve by Your grace Your servant Pier Giorgio Frassati pure of heart and ardent of charity, listen, we ask You, to our prayers and, if it is in Your designs that he be glorified by the Church, show us Your will, granting us the graces we ask of You, through his intercession, by the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen."

+Maurillo, Archbishop of Turin

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