Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Mass is back!

H/T to vivificabis

As he says, it's more than a "language".


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be a party pooper! But we've always had a Mass!

a thorn in the pew said...

Well sure....

I think it's a bit tongue and cheek :)

John14:15 said...

Some of the audience would see it as tongue in cheek, but those who really don't understand about the traditional Mass wouldn't get it, and some would be insulted. If we represent the Church in any way, we must "mirror the tender compassion of God," otherwise what is the point?

a thorn in the pew said...

I'm not sure which audience you are speaking of. It is not meant to offend. As a post-VII child, I am thrilled to see the return of holiness. It is not meant for anything other than blog world so I think it is just a bit of humor after years of discouragement and frustration.