Friday, February 9, 2007

The Danger of Criticizing Bishops and Priests

After reading this article on The Danger of Criticizing Bishops and Priests I have to wonder what the real agenda behind the words could be. I do pray for our priests and bishops, especially those that are close to me. But I think "judging" and "disappointment" are totally different reactions. I am disappointed in our seminaries. I am also disappointed in the movement to remake the Catholic Church. It saddens me that the Church Christ started here on earth has been mutated into something that has secular and modernist leanings. We are to live in the world but not of the world. Our Catholic Church should be a haven and refuge. I find myself sighing with a sense of comfort and contentment when I enter a truly magnificent cathedral or church where I know I am safe and in the presence of Christ. It is only when I hear the goofy music or silly/empty homily that I am jolted out of my sense of peace. Our religious leaders are human and therefore subject to original sin. I never expect them to be perfect. I do expect them to take their task seriously. To those whom much is given, much will be expected. That is true of anyone called to faith and given that gift.
The section on Liturgical Tampering is something of interest.
It is not up to us to decide what is apt in the Mass, but the bishops. Surely, we should avoid doing something immoral, but besides that unlikely case, we should obediently follow the liturgy given to us by those chosen to do so. Whether we like a translation or not (and some seem to be lacking at times), we should accept and use what our superiors have given us. Far better to write a humble letter to the bishops than to change things on our own authority. And far better to pray for better translations.

Huh? It is not okay for individual bishops and priests to alter things that are not found in the GIRM. There is a hierarchy with a responsibility to uphold and preserve the traditions handed down through the ages that is not being done during our time. This is why I was led astray as a child. I'm sure many of my elementary school friends have left the Church. We were given a commercialized empty version of Catholicism. This is not okay, it is never okay. It is only by the grace of God that I came home to the Church.
I do agree with this section:
The devil is most clever in bringing down those who sincerely love God and the Church. He gets them to dwell on the negative elements of the Church and thereby destroys their joy. We mustn’t fall for this ruse. If we want to be holy, we must focus on the positive, and let nothing destroy our joy.
That is so true as I have found myself feeling downtrodden and empty when I should love the gift of my Catholic faith. I think there is a healthy balance to this. Because I was taught so wrong as a child, I make it my business to seek the truth always. In reading through the entire article, there is some positives and I think the "finding joy" aspect of the message is what I can walk away understanding. Living in a very troubled diocese makes it that much harder to move on and accept that I cannot find problems with the status quo. Just do not let it kill your joy or consume your flame.

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