Friday, February 27, 2009

You are misssing the event of the year...

H/T to Cannonball for reminding me of how unfortunate I am for not living in LA this week.
Some of the best are:
With Joy We Go to the Altar of God: The Entrance Rites
Ignite Your Spirit! Say "Yes" through Dance, Song and Prayer
Fire Shut Up in My Bones
Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women's Strategies for the Church
Teaching the Mass in an Ecumenical Age
My Sister Is Annoying…
Care for Creation: Understanding the Earth as a Sacred Community
“Don't Be Stupid!” – Simplified Evangelization
The Coming of the Cosmic Christ (Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM)
Celebrating the Word with Children
Youth Day: Get Real! Talk to Me! Sell Me on It! What Up, Dog? Whad-up-wi-dat? Let’s Get It Going! Show Me!(young people aren't this stupid.)
Creating Vision, Engagement and Ownership in Today's Parish (my comment...Ownership? Good Lord help us)
Everything I Know about Sin I Learned from Zombie Movies
Liturgy as Love in Action -- Moving Our Faith (oh joy.)
Embodying Easter -- Dancing Resurrection (ack)
Eh. If you want to see the particulars, you can visit here.
If I don't laugh about this, I think I would cry.


Sew said...

This actually makes me want to throw up. Is this Catholic? Ha! WTF?????????????? Everything I learned about sin I learned from Zombie movies? What? My soul is shaking....Actually I think this is more sorrowful than my barenness. Am I mis reading this, if so please enlighten me. I am really confused! Ahh, confusion, the temptors specialty! Seriously, am I mistaken?

Anonymous said...

what's funny to me is that there are "conservative" catholics (steubenville folks)who LOVE this sort of "liturgy." i would think, if i agree with something cardinal mahony approves of then my thinking must be off.

Alexander said...

"what's funny to me is that there are 'conservative' catholics (steubenville folks)who LOVE this sort of "liturgy." i would think, if i agree with something cardinal mahony approves of then my thinking must be off."

Those would be either the "neo-conservatives" or the "charismatics."