Thursday, June 5, 2008

Has it been that long?

Almost a full week of no entries. Sorry. The Thorn kids are out of school and we have so much on our plate. We have changed providers for their therapy, scheduled appointments, had MAJOR storms complete with tornadoes here in Cincinnati and have just been busy.
On a happy not, I finally tried Ma Beck's(miss her, sniff) recipe for Collard Greens and Black-Eyed Peas with Ham tonight. Oh my, it was yum. Even my Yankee husband liked it. We have some left but not as much as I had hoped. I wanted to take some to my father(oh well). I copied it from her blog if anyone wants it.
I also started a Facebook page. If anyone wants to "mingle", leave your email for Facebook in the combox(I won't publish the comment) and I will add you as a friend. For anonymity reasons(and to protect my dear children) I try to keep names and such private. I have met some wonderful blog friends and know that Facebook is less formal when it comes to networking and friends.

We have no phone. The storms were severe enough to zap our patio umbrella and take out our phones. Mr. Thorn is working on that presently. It is always something. I suppose I should be more worried if it was never anything.


Larry Denninger said...

Glad to hear you're okay - much of those storms stayed south of Michigan, but we could use the rain where I'm at. Not the destruction that sometimes comes with it, mind you.

Christine said...

We have been having a lot of storms here in Minnesota also.

I really really do not like storms. I say my prayers yet I am still so scared!?!

Cathy said...

Ohhhh, I am glad you liked it.
It is SO good with cornbread, too!