Friday, May 30, 2008

Extraordinary Form Mass tonight at the Cathedral

It was nice to see such a huge crowd at Mass tonight. They made some announcements after Mass regarding upcoming speakers and a conference(I love Fr. Pacwa but Scott Hahn isn't Does anyone know if the Mass was scheduled to be "somewhere else"? I got the impression that it was moved to the Cathedral at the last minute or there abouts. It makes me wonder if Cincinnati was off limits for an EF Mass(as in anywhere in the diocese). I do appreciate that the Covington Diocese supports Sacred Heart Radio and the events that it plans. Oddly enough, we were part of the "younger crowd" at Mass tonight. I was surprised there were not more young families there. There were very few children and young people. Eh, we didn't mind. There are many young families at St. Bernard's, Old Saint Mary's and Sacred Heart. I thought that would make up most of the crowd. All the St. Bernard's families were there. That was great to see such support.


Father Schnippel said...


I think it was originally scheduled at St. Bernards, where Fr. DeVous is pastor and then moved about two weeks ago to the Basilica. I never heard why, but I think an accomadation of a larger crowd might have played into it? I never heard anything about having in 'on this side of the river.'

I wanted to make it, but had other commitments. :(

a thorn in the pew said...

Well that makes a lot of sense. We have no A/C at St. Bernard's.(we are very old school there). That could have played into it as well. Every pew was filled in the Cathedral last night. It would have been a tight squeeze at St. Bernard's. Sorry you couldn't make it. I hope they do this again next year.

Anonymous said...

from where i was sitting there were a LOT of kids, little kids, unruly, chatty, wrestling with their siblings in the pew kids, right behind me...made me NOT miss the toddler was great to see so many people there and wow, the roses behind the Cathedral are stunning.

a thorn in the pew said...

We sat in the middle, that is probably why we didnt see many kids. There were NO kids in the front or middle on our side. Many of the families I saw, I did recognize. The last Sacred Heart event I attended was the Fr. Corapi talk in Covington. I left the kids home that day ;) (btw, my kids were not their usual last night. They had some issues and I think the large crowd and other things threw them off. They started off not wanting to share missals. That was fun. Not.)

Anonymous said...

i think it was kind of late for little kids...i know how important it is to get kids used to behaving at Mass but the late hour would seem to me, hard on little ones.
(my kids went to bed at 8pm without fail when they were little.)

my daughter and i just sniggered under our breath, remembering the good old days ;).

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I got to talk to Fr. Pacwa yesterday! He played a little with Tommy. I was a teeny bit starstruck. He is a good man!

gemoftheocean said...

Lucky you! I like both Fr. Pacwa and Scott Hahn.

Rich Leonardi said...

I was told by SHR that it was moved for more parking. Unfortunately, I missed it due to a prior commitment. It sounds like it was wonderful.