Friday, May 16, 2008

Busy and more busy

I have been dealing with business most of the week and haven't had to time to peruse or blog. We have an "eco-friendly" dance recital this weekend for my youngest. I wouldn't make this up. She has had rehearsals almost every day and so everything has been thrown into the loony blender in our lives. I hope things return to normal next week. I may get some down time this weekend(after the "green" dance). I also had to scramble to find a new psychiatric solution for the boys. Our current provider dropped us out of the blue and we had to source a new one.


Larry Denninger said...

Did they let you drive a car to and from the "eco-rehearsals', or were you forced to ride bikes or walk? :-)

a thorn in the pew said...

We got a car. I suppose the ironic part is that the recital is in a different state and not exactly close to our homes and the dance studio. Hmmm...