Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Put down that burger!

So much for a family place. Sigh.

McDonald's CEO: Company will put full resources behind gay agenda
McDonald's has signed on to a nationwide effort to promote "gay" and "lesbian" business ventures.

They suck. They should be told they suck. I can tell you it isn't the gay community that doesn't pro-create that is paying the bills at McDonald's. It's us poor folk that can't afford the local bistros and cafes when we have to feed a large family. Vent over.


Samantha said...

Wow. I eat there for lunch way too often. Guess not now.

Athanasius said...

I haven't eaten there in years. Too many trips to the lavatory!

Thanks again for your comments on that pants post. You should see the e-mails I have been getting!

Christine said...

Great post. I will be one to boycott McDonalds also. I loved the First Communion idea - we have a relative getting her first communion - thanks for the info!

Alexander said...

McDonald's food makes me feel like yuck. Even more reason not to eat there..

Cathy said...

Ew. No restaurant makes me sicker quicker.

I'll boycott in spirit, but I've been boycotting in practice for years.

Tracy said...

oh yuck.. what a bummer!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dang, they have better coffee than starbucks, shoot, now what am i gonna do?

Dymphna said...

After two bouts of food poisoning I don't go to McDonalds anymore.