Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My birthday girl is sick

She started last night, missed school and is still feeling rather sheepish. I am trying to get caught up with business because we have decided to visit Mr. Thorn's mother this weekend. We are staying at a hotel(under a Marriott family rate, thankfully) and I am hoping the kids feel like we are taking a bit of time away as they do have an indoor pool. They have a great parish near downtown Akron, St. Mary's and we loved it last time we were there. They now have an extraordinary rite at 1 pm on Sunday's so we will probably pray Mass there before leaving town. I just don't want to stress about not getting work done. I hope the weather gets spring-ier. right now it's yucky. I want tulips and jellybeans and sun. I know, offer it up.

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