Monday, January 28, 2008

Well there ya go.

Archbishop Weighs In On Controversial 'Bodies' Exhibit

"Whatever the merits of 'Bodies' as an educational exhibit, and however well intentioned the exhibit's creators might be, it seems to me that the use of human bodies in this way fails to respect the persons involved. Therefore I do not believe that this exhibit is an appropriate destination for field trips by our Catholic schools. If parents, as the primary educators of their children, believe that it has educational value, they should be the ones to take their children to see it."

I must admit, I am thankful that he has stepped up to the plate. It was needed and I am certain, a good call from one of our local ordinaries. I do not agree with the last zinger that parents should take their children "if they want to" but I didn't expect a black and white directive. It's either wrong or not wrong but it cannot be both.

Now, about Summorum Pontificum....

Just joking...


Anonymous said...

i am really amazed he said anything at all...thank goodnes he did.

Jessica Gordon said...

This sad disrespect for life visited our state this past fall. I had never heard of it before, it is so awful! I ended up getting in a debate, with some fellow Catholics no less, and was so thankful to find a few bishops making statements against it.

This was my first visit to your blog, and its great! God Bless!

Unknown said...

I was going to write something about this over at Per Christum... Bodies came to my city for a few months recently, taking a place in a strip mall, and packing them in.

There is something really horrifying about taking the bodies of the dead and turning them into a commercial exhibit.