Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Funny in a sad sort of way...

Concerns Affect D.C. Condom Giveaway

That is semi funny because it combines a cheaply made birth control item(bad, bad, bad) with politics. Sad because the Chinese just don't get it.

That plus the 3 massive toy recalls from Mattel, not to mention the maggots in the chocolates last week make me wonder when we will wake up? China made products are bad. Really bad. I read this summer there was a dumpling factory there using flavored cardboard as filler. Wow. Stop buying from China. They are trying to kill us, our children and pets.
(Edit: I had to correct my "take" on cheaply made birth control just so no one would interpret it that I think birth control is funny. I think it's a mockery of all God stands for. Just to be clear.)

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