Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scary day at the Thorn Homestead

We finally qualified for respite for the two boys and have many hours to use during the month of June. It has provided some much needed relief and work time. That is until today. We always have 2 girls come, various backgrounds, some in nursing school, some therapy. They were not interacting with the boys and they were upset that I didn't leave(many parents will leave while respite is in the house...I gotta work). Well I was going to but I got scared. My oldest, going through a med change was wandering by himself, they were on the phone and kicking back on the deck. Yow. I stayed home. The agency was on the phone for an unrelated issue and asked how things were going. Not well. My oldest was bored, they kept running into my studio, nothing getting done. Just then, the one gal comes in to ask me where she can smoke! Double yow! They wanted to come over immediately to observe what was going on. I am without respite tomorrow and a bit on edge. Good thing we have video games. If we were in Joliet, things might be even easier{wink}.

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