The Tridentine Mass was beautiful and so meaningful today. I cried, thanked God, I got the answer to my prayers and Father's homily meant so much to me on so many levels. I truly will pray to the Holy Spirit this week for guidance but I met some incredible families today at coffee and donuts after Mass. They were so filled with joy and I really needed that today. My kids had a ball with the other children there and we got invited to a social next week. It is nice to see such strong and happy families that are living their faith. The parish should really focus on getting the people who attend the indult to join the parish. It would be good both spiritually and financially.
On another note, we have a free nights voucher to an Embassy Suites that we are redeeming on Friday night. It is for a local hotel with an indoor pool so the kids will enjoy that. Something to look forward to, at least. Oh! We watched about the first hour of Padre Pio last night. Amazing movie so far! The little boy that plays him as a child had incredible depth for such a young actor. I will write more when we complete the whole movie. It came highly recommended from my friend and I agree, it is quite good and accurate. 83 and sunny here in Cincinnati today. I hope to get out and enjoy some of it. We just got home from the get-together after Mass, we stayed over 2 hours. I suppose it is refreshing to find people I can relate to spiritually and socially. I'm not used to that.
I went to the indult at Sacred Heart Church today. I was a nice day out but I spent it mostly sleeping when I got home (I am always tired it seems).
We too had a wonderful Tridentine Mass...next Corpus Christi...
That's great that you felt so great about that mass!!!!!
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